

 Make a donation

Please help to keep us on air.MKB Independent Radio is a Not for profit station. We don't earn money and give of our time to bring listeners good quality music mostly from Indie artists around the world. It helps Indie artists to have a platform for their release. The running costs have to be met to keep us on the air and with the cost of living crisis things have become more difficult Any donation that is made is put straight into the station to pay costs and also to develop the station to an even better standard.


To make a donation click the "Make a donation" link which will take you to MKB music promotions PayPal. We realize times are hard since COVID 19  which has affected us all As a station, to survive we need donations more than ever. We are also offering great advertising opportunities with reasonable rates Thank you in advance for your support of MKB Independent Radio      

Click the Paypal link to donate now